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Online Analyses

Psychometric personality analyses and online assessment procedures for different target groups and aptitude diagnostic questions - for a quick and valid insight into different facets of a personality - can be performed online, short processing time, current norm studies.


Psychometric Personality Analyses and Test Procedures

TRESP & CIE offers a variety of online assessment procedures that can be used for different target groups and different diagnostic questions. All procedures are online based, can be combined depending on the requirements, and have meaningful test manuals (objectivity, reliability and validity).

We distinguish between ability tests, performance tests, competence-based procedures, and measurement procedures of personality traits, motives and interests. We also offer 360 feedback procedures.

The use of so-called "gamified selection instruments" is particularly suitable for the selection of younger target groups (such as trainees) in the digital age. These are characterized by a game-like character. As independent consultants, we will select the procedure that best meets your needs.

The application of a psychometric method should be adapted to the individual question and the group of participants. For example, there are procedures that are standardized exclusively for executives. Psychometric methods are only one component in the selection and development process and should be supplemented with other methods (e.g. interview, management audit, assessment center, 360 feedback).


  • are online-based.

  • come with informative, technical manuals.

  • are available in all common foreign languages.

  • are confirmed/legitimized/validated by current norming studies.

  • require minimal time to complete, between 20 and 60 minutes.

  • can be extended/ supplemented by job-related performance tests or general intelligence tests.

Your benefit

  • Quick and highly valid insight into different facets of a personality (e.g. integrity, loyalty, creativity, thinking agility, digital skills, etc.).

  • You will make selection decisions faster and more confidently, saving repeated interview loops.

  • You will improve your key performance indicators (fluctuation rate, turn over, sick leave), as you will deploy the right people in the right place.

  • You will be able to use the results for on-boarding as well as for further employee training.

  • You will save a lot of time and a lot of money.

Lithy Tree® by Tresp & Cie

Lithy Tree® developed by TRESP&CIE offers innovative apps for a wide range of questions.

  • Lithy Tree 360® is an online based 360 Leadership Echo (360 feedback process) for the sustainable development of leaders and talents.

  • Lithy Tree Culture® is an innovative survey tool for individual surveys in companies.